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Industry news

How to build the website of marketing silica gel products factory

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2020/1/10 10:04:55 Hits:1522

Now many enterprises are starting to do Internet business. The first step to do Internet business is to have a website on the Internet. If you want to be competitive, the website must be a marketing website.
How to build a marketing website for silica gel products factory? We need to understand what a marketing website is. A marketing website is a product that a visitor does not see your physical factory, but he is convinced that you will make it. Knowing this, we have a clear idea to build a marketing website. How to make visitors feel that they haven't found the wrong website when they come in? There is something he needs here. The higher the trust, the better the marketing of your website.
To achieve this, we need to take the following steps:
① : visitors click into the area they see at the first sight of the website. In this area, let them know what we do? For example, the main display chart on the home page of Zhenmei silicone rubber website shows "development and production of professional silicone rubber products and rubber products";
② : the website itself should have a clear navigation, which is just like the line in the supermarket is important, which will not get lost, and will have a sense of experience;
③ That is to display the company's products, clearly file and classify the products. Like us, we are mainly engaged in silica gel products. We classify the products by use, process and material because silica gel products are relatively complex silica gel products in the silicone rubber products.
④ Build your own credibility through your own advantages, such as: customer cases, video introduction, production equipment display, company activities, company certification data, industry information, etc;
⑤ : let visitors find ways to contact us at any time, but we do not want to harass visitors.
For the construction of marketing website, the above is just some things summarized in the maintenance of the website made of Zhenmei silicone rubber. If you want to make certain achievements, you must make unremitting efforts, and "not to make a website for marketing website, to make a website that can make customers pay."

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