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Industry news

Development prospect of silicone rubber products

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2020/1/10 10:03:36 Hits:1487

In recent years, China's silicone rubber products industry has made gratifying achievements. Our products are not only supplied to the domestic demand, but also exported to some developed countries. Now our silicone rubber products are very competitive products at home and abroad. At the same time, the market space of silicone rubber products industry still has a lot of room to explore!
From the current consumer consumption of silicone rubber products, the consumption rate of natural silicone rubber products is several percentage points higher than that of synthetic silicone rubber products. In fact, the market can develop synthetic silicone rubber products, improve the share of synthetic silicone rubber products, and let synthetic silicone rubber products replace plastic products in some subdivisional fields The range of application of products is becoming wider and wider, so the consumption is also increasing correspondingly, and the market space will further increase, just like the well-known casing thread protector is silicone rubber products.
At the same time, according to authoritative reports, by 2015, silicone rubber products will account for 10-15 points of the total domestic rubber consumption, and by 2020, rubber products will account for 20-33 points of the total domestic rubber consumption, so the development potential and prospects of silicone rubber products industry are very attractive, and its rapid development will have a profound impact on the upstream and downstream industries.
It is believed that in the future, the silicone rubber products industry will not be a single industry, but a combination of multiple industries. The development prospect of the silicone rubber products industry will be very promising, which has far-reaching significance for enhancing the profitability of the silicone rubber products industry and improving the quality level of the silicone rubber products.

Next:The market share of China's silicone rubber products industry will be greatly increased in 2017
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